12 Days of Christmas - Day 5
Hello! It's day 5 and the weather's gloomy, shopping is a nightmare and I've already cracked open the treats we were supposed to be...
12 Days of Christmas - Day 4
Hello! It's day 4, and December is whizzing by - I'm crossing my fingers for a white Christmas! Probably more like a rainy and sludgy...
12 Days of Christmas - Day 3
Hello! It's day 3! Is anyone else worried that December is passing very quickly and they haven't got their act together with buying...
12 Days of Christmas - Day 2
Hello! It's day 2, and the new short story is here - below and available on the Christmas webpage HERE. It's just a little bounty hunter...
12 Days of Christmas Day 1
Hello! Happy December everybody! I know I've been largely absent this year due to a lot of personal issues, so I thought I would make an...
New Halloween Short Story Available Now
The October short story is available and it's a Tanner Halloween story - it's called Cemetery Party and you can find it here. Happy...
New Short Story Available
There's a new short story available in the freebies section of the website. It's a Grey Wolf story with a splash of Bigfoot for good...
New Grey Wolf Story Peek
I'm working on a new Grey Wolf Pack story, it's slow going with work and family, but it is on the way, and here is a peek of the start of...
New Short Story
A new short story from the August short story competition is now available on the freebies page. It's called Date Night and is a Grey...
Hello Just a quick note to say that you can now find me on Kobo! Some of my stories are already available while all he others are...